The sour taste of lemons is derived from the high amounts of citric acid found naturally in this yellow citrus fruit. The concentrated acid has been widely used for both culinary and non-culinary purposes. One of the more popular non-culinary uses of lemon is to help weight loss. Benefits of lemon juice When used […]
Category: Health
If you love bittern melon and want a quick and easy recipe, you can definitely try Ground Chicken with Bitter Melon. A lot of people complain about the bitterness, well not me. I really don’t taste the bitterness, not sure if I am just used to eating this or I just love bitter melon. Ground Chicken with […]
My least favorite season of the year is summer. Everyone here seems to be enjoying the summer heat except me. I really cant stand the heat. While writing this I am sweating. Gross! Let me give you some reasons why summer is my least favorite. Productivity – I can’t function when every time I do something I sweat. […]
Aloha Food Lovers! I hope everybody is feeling great! 🙂 Me? Not so much. I don’t know what’s wrong with my computer. Its not booting up and I can’t even see the post start sometimes. I have done everything and its still acting really weird. I installed my operating system for several times from Windows […]
Howdy! Its quite cold today and I’m craving for soup and— (drum roll please) BEANS. Mung bean soup (Monggo Beans) is one of my favorite dishes partly because it brings back childhood memories of how my mom makes it for lunch during rainy days. You can add different kinds of leafy veggies and it will […]