Super Spicy? Yes! I added 5 cayenne peppers, freshly chopped. I’m learning to love spicy food and this hits the spot. Every time I go to the grocery, I keep seeing Kabocha Squash – “Pick me, Pick me” O_o . So I got inspired and I decided to buy it, then the Super Spice Pork Curry with […]
Aloha Food Lovers! I hope everybody is feeling great! 🙂 Me? Not so much. I don’t know what’s wrong with my computer. Its not booting up and I can’t even see the post start sometimes. I have done everything and its still acting really weird. I installed my operating system for several times from Windows […]
Hey there! November last year I moved to a new apartment. I would say it was an impulsive choice. Before signing the lease, it has been months that I’ve been looking for an apartment. I’ve also checked in two different cities and one of its towns had a big snake free roaming the grounds. “No […]
Happy New Year Food Lovers! New Year is coming really soon, uhm like tomorrow. I’ve been doing serious cleaning since last week, I can’t rely on my 2 dogs and cat to clean the house. Also, I’ve been preparing my dishes since Sunday (exhausted much). I have to get everything done before 12AM Jan 1, […]
Howdy! Its quite cold today and I’m craving for soup and— (drum roll please) BEANS. Mung bean soup (Monggo Beans) is one of my favorite dishes partly because it brings back childhood memories of how my mom makes it for lunch during rainy days. You can add different kinds of leafy veggies and it will […]
Oh Hello there! Hi my name is Joel! And I have one chopping board. I have been dreaming of having my very own blog since last year and I have never thought I would make it to this, my first blog post. It took me a while to choose a topic that I already knew […]